Hitchhikers, ID Please


Active Member
(I posted this in my "diary" but thought I'd get more responses this way.)
So what are they? And yes, I know I have bubble algea on this rock as well. I used to have some on another rock, but it's since disappeared. Do you think my emerald crabs got to it? Kind of hoping they will get to these bubbles. If not, what's the best way to get rid of them. It's very easy for me to take this rock out so should I take it out and just pull the bubble algea off along with the hitchhikers? And if I do take it out, will my Green Star Polyps be ok, for a short minute?



Active Member
emeralds will kill bubble algae, don't pick at it. green polyps are hardy, just keep a wet paper towel over them if you have to keep them out of the water for an extended amount of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
The bottom two are feather dusters I think...?

i'd have to agree, that or some type of filter worm. Until they get bigger, i'd leave them alone.
btw, your camera is awesome if those are gsp's in that last picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
btw, your camera is awesome if those are gsp's in that last picture.
Yes, those are gsp's in the last pic, but they are closed up in that shot. I didn't realize I had bubble algea until I saw this pic.
I'm finally getting used to my camera, only took me a year. It's a Nikon Coolpix S3 (6 megapix).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
The bottom two are feather dusters I think...?
I for one think they look nice, so I won't touch them until I know, but what about the Apstasia? Should I pull it off with tweezers, or shoot it with something.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Tweezers are definitely unlikely to work I am afraid. :(
OK, so is Joe's Juice the only way to get rid of it? Should I put it back in my QT until I know it's gone completely. The one problem with that is my gsp were not looking good in my QT (parameters were all good
), but now that it's in my DT it's starting to open up and looking great. What would you do?
Note to self: REALLY examine all rock with coral before buying.


Active Member
joes juice, pepermint shrimp (some work, some dont
), lemon juice, boiling hot RO water, kent's aptasia killer, dynamite, atomic bomb... all depends on what you have available.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
joes juice, pepermint shrimp (some work, some dont
), lemon juice, boiling hot RO water, kent's aptasia killer, dynamite, atomic bomb... all depends on what you have available.
Well, I'm fesh out of the dynamite, and atomic bomb.....but I was doing some research and read that high doses of calcium would work. What if I add some Turbo-Calcium to a little RO water and use a suringe to blast the sucker. I can take out the rock that he's on (along with my gsp) and then do it in a seperate container, that way if anything falls off it won't be floating in my DT, just waiting to regrow. How's that plan sound?


Active Member
OK, so I took the rock out (hated to do it, because all my gsp were open and swaying in the current, and looking very nice) and put it in a bowl of tank water. Boiled some RO water and sucked it up with a syringe and put it right at the mouth of the monster and squirted. I did this about 4 times just to be sure. Then I decided to try and use the tweezers to get it off, and luckily I noticed it was attached to a fairly lose piece of rubble to the right of it, so I was able to take the dead carcass off.
It's now back in the tank (gsp all closed up
) and looking better now that the Aptasia is gone (I hope, I'll keep an eye to see if any more pop up).
