HLLE and a ground probe


Active Member
I think my yellow tang has HLLE. I suspected that he had it when I bought him, but it doesn't look all that bad. he got black ich about 3 days after i bought him, beat that with formalin. now I'm wanting to try to correct the HLLE if possible. he's very active and has a huge appetite, but I still want to reverse it if possible.
I've read that a ground probe can help, is this correct? I bought one today. should I put it in the tank, or in the sump? also, will it be harmful to healthy fish and inverts?


Active Member
A saltwater ground probe shouldn't hurt anything at all. Everything will appriciate the lower charge in the water. As to where to put it, the display tank would be the most effective, you won't have to wait for a charge to migrate to the sump first, but if most of your equiptment is in the sump, and you want to keep the ground probe out of the way too, it should be fine. Do you have a voltmeter? Is there a detectable charge in the display? (Measure between the water and a source of ground.)
You may also consider soaking the fish's food in a nutrient booster like selcon before feeding it to him. HLLE can be caused by nutrient difficiencies.


Staff member
If you have tangs and angels in the tank, then a grounding probe is a given. You need to install it into a grounded wall outlet.
Can you post a picture of the fish?


Active Member
I don't have a digital camera. it looks pretty much like the YT on the FAQ except not as bad. the eroded areas is around the eyes, none going down the line that runs down the body. I feed him sheets of microalgae, spirulina flakes, mysis and brine shrimp. he has a very good appetite. I think maybe he's gotten a little fatter since I first got him. would the black ich have been a secondary reaction to the HLLE or vice versa?


Staff member
Yes, disease can certainly trigger HLLE. Lets see if he gets better now. Add zoecon to the food.