Terry, that is exactly right in terms of humans. Autoimmune diseases are in fact a combination of a defective immune system that has malfunctioned components that allow T-cell function to basically run rampant. Thus you have a complicated disease with malfunctioned, or suppressed immune functions, allowing the “aggressor” components of the immune system to take over. Interestingly, there is usually a “trigger” associated with autoimmune disorders—be it a viral infection, excessive exposure to sunlight, etc. Sound familiar in HLLE? Antimalarials are a common treatment in humans who have autoimmune diseases, thus, when you brought up its use in treating oodium, it made me also think of its application in other areas---such as HLLE. If HLLE is in fact an autoimmune disease in fish, then it may stand to reason that it can be effectively treated by antimalarials. Interesting too, in humans, vitamin deficiency is also a component of an autoimmune disease and people need to take excessive supplements, sometimes even injections---particularly A, B, and C vitimins. Common recommendation for HLLE, vitamin supplementation of A, B, C! People with lupus are encouraged to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and supplements containing DHA. What is the most recommended hobby treatment supplement for HLLE? Zoecon, which is advertised as a treatment of HLLE. Ingredients are omega 3 fatty acids and DHA! The evidence is stacking up here, I think.
Additionally as research continues with autoimmune processes in humans, environmental factors are taking a significant lead in the causation of such diseases. For instance, many people with lupus are highly sensitive to guess what?? Artificial lighting—fluorescents particularly and not just because of the UV rays it emits. But also because of the particularly “uncomfortable” feel of the fluorescents that people who are hypersensitive seem to feel when exposed to fluorescent lighting [or is it the lamps themselves rather than the actual light they emit?] Do fish get HLLE in the ocean? No, they get it in our aquaria under artificial lighting and exposure to excessive electrical components. Thus enters the need for the grounding probe!
Too many parallels there to be a coincidence IMO.