HLLE on bird wrasse??


New Member
I have a green bird wrasse that has some spots on his body. They appear darker than his green body, like maybe the scales are missing. Or maybe like pits in the body. They are near the top of his body, by his dorsal fin. One spot on one side and two on the other. Is this HLLE? I have a lemonpeel who has HLLE. The wrasse doesn't look like the lemonpeel did when he first got it. The lemonpeel lost the coloring around his eyes on his head first, then the lateral line appeared raised and finally some of the color near his tail disappeared like his head. Is HLLE transferable between fish? I am feeding selcon with their food. Is there something else I should be doing? I am just worried about the wrasse. Anyone???


Im no expert buit from what I understand HLLE is not transferable. It is basicly malnutrition were the fish is not receiving enough vitamin C. Just increase the vitamin C to the fish with some supplements and you should be ok.