hlle on purple tang?


I went to my friends house the other day an i was amazed to see his tank. but he didn't know what was with his purple tang he just bought. I told him i know of a site that might help :)D ) and i found out it was hlle, how do you get rid of it??????????????


also he wants to know why he is so blackish in color, he looks at all the other tangs and they are a bluish color? anyone know why???


Active Member
HILE is usualy a result of poor water quality or nutrition. How long ago did he get it?
what are his perametors?
what is he feeding him/her?


water quality is great, perfect cal, perfect ph, perfect phos, no amoonia, no nitrates, this mans tank is amazing
but its not his tank that caused it, he bought him like that and he wants to know if he can get him back to normal.
btw he's feeding him formula 1 flakes