hlle question

chef jaysen

Is there an easy cure for hlle. My yellow tang has it and i'm not sure what to do. I read up on it and noticed i have 24 volts of current in the tank. So turned off the submersible filter and now there is 9 volts. The tang seems alittle happier. Her diet is live brine shrimp, algea selects and flake so that should be good. I also have decent water readings. Not sure what else there is too do. Thanks ...........


Staff member
Your grounding probe is definately a good suggestion as well as addressing all dietary issues. IMO, what you are feeding really is not nutritious or varied enough.
Does the tank have grazing opportunity? This is a major problem when hobbyist place tangs in smaller tanks. These fish must graze just about every waking moment.
Try using either Zoe or Zoecon as well.

chef jaysen

I bought a grounding probe brought the 15 volts down to 1-2. The yellow tang eats all day ....1 2 by 3 sheet of seaweed selects , live brine shrimp, flake and picks off the live rock. Not sure what else the tang could eat but a one aday vitamin that i have in the morning. I think the electricity might have been the culprit. I also bought a submersible water filter that has added bio, mech and chemical filtration so that should help out the water quality. Ill probably do a 10 per water change this weekend..........wish me luck...


Staff member
Wait and see if the probe clear it up. Also, Zoe and Zoecon are the supplements best for HLLE.