HLLE signs


Hi Beth and Every body else,
I was suffering from ich, which I am successfull treating, and than Lymphocychtis, Which I progress positively , and now I noticed that my yellow tang has bloody lines just above the eyes and along the body. It looks very similar to the deseased fish pictures that you posted about HLLE. Now I'm sure a new challenge is waiting for me.
What is the reason of HLLE?
How can I treat it?
Is it contigious?
Will you please help me.


HLLE is more a symptom than an actual disease. First of all it is not contagious, however, it is caused by the fish being under stress or improper diet, and while HLLE is not contagious, all of your fish are being exposed to similiar conditions so more than one may get it.
Unhealthy water conditins, tank that's to small, stray voltage in your tank, medications, an incomplete diet, these are all some factors that will contribute to a fish getting HLLE.
Treating it is as simple as providing an optimum environment for your pet fishies. First you need to find what's wrong, then correct it and maintain healthy water conditions in an adaquate sized tank with a complete diet.


Active Member
Studies have also indicated that a system filtered naturally with macroalgae can also improve/reverse HLLE disease as well as including macroalgae as part of the regular diet.