

Active Member
my naso's hlle is getting worse, my qt tank is too small for him.
is it better to put him back in my main tank? where I can better control water quality and conditions?


Staff member
If you posted about this in another thread in the Disease Forum, please link it here so that I can review the history.


Active Member
sorry, i just figured that the other info was not relevant. but then again, I really don't know what I am doing:nope:
that is why if I can't convince myself by friday that I can handle this, I am going to see about dropping him off at LFS
but to summarize everything, my tank #'s are good
all well within limits
and this started as ich on his fin and I had no idea what was on his fin
then it spread to his head and these white things began growing out of his head, like horns.
I put him in a qt tank with copper and the white things have vanished over time. But where the white things were and now in new areas around the eyes are these gashes.
they look like the grand canyon on his face. Like if someone took a knife and slashed his face.
all of the gashes are along lines around his face.
my qt tank is hard to keep clean, thats why since the ich is gone, i was wondering if I could treat the hlle in my main tank.
here are the other threads:
thanks, sorry for all the trouble


Staff member
How long has it been since you began treating the ich? What copper medication did you use? When is the last time you saw any ich?
Is there no way to get a picture up?


Active Member
my camera is getting fixed :eek:
I used "coppersafe"
and it has been probably almost 1.5 weeks since I have seen any ich
And I have been treating the fish, over 3 weeks- going on a month


Staff member
You used copper for a month, but the ich has only been gone for 1-1/2 wk? And what about other fish? Have they been treated? Sorry, but I can't go back and forth between all those threads to try and piece things together. Try to give a complete picture in one place [here].
If your fish does HLLE, we can deal with that, but before you return any fish to the display, I want to make sure that the ick is clear. What are your readings in the QT?


Active Member
qt readings:
nitrate: 20
nitrite: 0
main tank:
nitrite: 0
no other fish show any signs of anything. I have closely looked at them many times(not that many just 3 clowns, a coral beauty, and a psedochromis)
I have not treated any of them for anything- they have been doing fine in main tank
I do not see any signs of ick on the tang in QT, every last white dot and or white growth is gone.
all that is left are these gashes


Staff member
Go ahead and return the fish to main tank, acclimating him, of course.
Do you have grounding probes set up in your tank and sump? If not, go ahead and equipped them. What are you feeding your fish?
As soon as you camera is repaired see if you can post a picture.


Active Member
I have not bought the grounding probes yet, as I am in finals. tomorrow is my last final and I plan on buying them on fri.
my tang refuses to eat anything except spiralina flakes
the clowns also eat formula 2 sometimes
but the coral beauty and psudochromis seem to only like flakes
how do I treat the hlle?
I have read just keep clean water and I'm going to get the groungers on fri, what else can I do?


Staff member
Is that all those fish are eating? What about meaty foods? That diet just isn't going to cut it. If you see zoecon at the LFS get it. Take a look at the Diseased Fish Thread and look at the purple tang picture with the link. Take a look at that link.