

New Member
I have a sailfin tang with hlle. He has had it for about a year and a half. I have a 47 gallon tank. I have about 60 pounds live rock. Sand bed with crushed coral on bottom. My tank has been running for about 3 years.
1 bantik star
2 clowns
2 banggai cardinals
a few snails
1 hermit crab
He was one of my first additions. I do run penguin filters a 350 and 200. I am wondering if the active carbon is to blame? And if so what are my options? I do water changes every 4 weeks and my star has been in there a month less than the tang. I feel if it was bad water he would have died. Maybe not what is your opinion? thanks


Active Member
HLLE isn't a well-understood condition. Carbon is one of the possible causes, stray voltage is another.
But the biggest one to attack is poor nutrition.
What are you feeding? Do you supplement it with Zoe or anything else?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tasker101
no I do not feed zoe. I geve new life pellets, some brine, and some flakes.
That's probably the primary issue. That isn't a well-balanced diet for a Tang. Brine has little nutritional value, flakes and pellets aren't that much better.
You'll need to do some research onto the dietary habits of your fish. How is the algae in your tank? Is there enough for the tang to graze on? Do you have sheets of nori to feed?


New Member
I guess this is an issue. I will look into and try any more suggest I will take them thanks. I do have some alge not alot.