Hmmmm, my pipe organ coral has popped it's tops


My pipe organ coral has popped off most of it's little polyp tops!! Do they do this, or is something wrong with it.
I've been watching the fish closely all day and haven't seen anyone picking at it. At first I suspected the filefish, but this coral sits at the bottom of the tank and the file fish never goes below the top 1/3 of the tank.
The only other answer I could come up with is that it does this when it's growing. Or is that a stupid assumption.
Please any ideas or help.

nm reef

Active Member
Have you got a picture of it? I believe it may be the result of new growth....but without being able to "see" what you are describing its really only a guess.

nm reef

Active Member
Ok...I've looked at the pics you had at webshots and even took the liberty to re-size them. Here is the one where you were concerned about possible damage/problems.

nm reef

Active Member
Here is another you had that shows what I assume is the same coral but in better condition.

nm reef

Active Member
Maybe somebody else can add additional info but here is what I've got....first I have never kept this coral and have zero hands on experience. It is sort of like the clove polyps I keep in that the structure is similiar....but yours is quite different from my cloves. The information I've found says that they are tolerant of varing lighting systems and prefer a nutrient laden system with turbid currents....they seem to suffer from collection damage and damaged polyps close up leaving a skeleton behind. They are also reported to suffer from brown jelly type infections which may lead to the problems you are having. In addition I read that heavily skimmed systems may have problems keeping pipe organs healthy. There was also mention of easy damage to polyps from current and/or crushing(by falling or possibly being bothered by fish/inverts). Hopefully some of this info may lead to answers for your coral....there is little more I can add. How long have you had the coral?How long has it shown signs of damage?Any recent changes or alterations to your system?
Like I said my experience with this coral is nil....hopefully this will prompt somebody with hands on experience to chime in and actually help. But I have of luck.


NM Reef, thanks for the reply and thanks for re-sizing. How did you do that?? What program did you use?? I'd really like to know.
Anyhow, I've had this coral for about 8/9 months. it sits on the sand bed in good current and has been very happy. No jelly-like substance anywhere. Nothing fell on it. I have never noticed any fish taking note of it.
The two pictures were taken just a couple of days apart, so this happened suddenly and recently.
I'm hoping this is normal, that it's a growth-thing.
If anyone else out there has experience, please chime in.

nm reef

Active Member
I use Photosuite 4...easy to use ... your pics were just a bit too them just a little to post them here....sorry I couldn't help more with the problems.


NM Reef, well I think it was a growth thing. Because all the polyp tops are opening today :) Good think because I really like this coral.