
nm reef

Active Member
I was looking thru some old pic files and came across this photo shot on 5/14/04...the display no longer looks the same but I like this look back at how it was.This display was established in Feburary of 2003...soon to be three years old...I suppose I should shoot a few current full tank shots but they can be difficult to get...a full tank shot can be troublesome.

nm reef

Active Member
Zooanthids have progressively become more prominent...these aren't mine...I found this picture on-line and saved it on my hard drive to remind me of the color morphs I haven't seems there is a limitless diversity in these corals.

nm reef

Active Member
Interesting what a person can find on their hard drive...this macro shot of my clove polyps was still in its origional size and was simply miss placed...I just cropped it and slightly adjusted the lighting a bit...turned into a decent macro shot...

nm reef

Active Member
Another zooanthid morph I'd like to locate....if ya have any available talk to me...I'd make room to add them to my collection.


Active Member
when they spread a little more, i bet we could work out a trade.
I like the second ones too
The center look like the new ones i just got, but my skirts are green.

nm reef

Active Member
I was surprised to find this photo of my refugium...I think I was trying to get a look at the sponge structure on the far left...origionally that sponge was a hitchhiker on the origional 45 lb box of LR I purchased over 5 years ago...

nm reef

Active Member
Still one of my favorite tangs....I'm thinkin' about adding one to my display. This one is a resident in a in-wall 90 gal reef I maintain.

nm reef

Active Member
TeresaQ...I think we should work out a members only zooanthid frag swap to spread the diversity around some....I'm betting I have several that you like and i assure you I'd like some of yours.....and there are several other members here with very nice selections.....



i also have pic i ever got i think anyway...
ok can't find the one i'm looking for but here's a different one..