HOB filter transfer


Active Member
I was wondering if it was possible to take a filter from a tank with ich and put it on a quarantine without getting that ich into the tank. I was thinking maybe I could run scoulding water through it all and completely dry everything out. Is this possible, or just a plain bad idea?


Staff member
If you talking about the equiptment itself then, yes, you can certainly use it. You can bathe it for an hr in diluted bleach, rinse thoroughly then place it in the QT. Filter meida, however, should be disgarded.
Now, what are you trying to do? If you want to set up a hospital tank to cure your fish with ich, then it will not matter if you transfer ich from your equiptment to your QT. The fish will transfer the ich.


Active Member
My fish have been out of my tank for two weeks at the lfs getting treated for ich with copper. I set the quarantine/hospital tank up when I took them. I am just waiting for my cycle to complete to get them back and quarantine for a couple weeks before adding them back into the display. I ask because I am getting a protein skimmer for my 20 reef which will replace my hob filter. I haven't a filter on my hospital and I didn't want to go spend more money to buy a new one. Thanks.


Staff member
In that case it would be fine. As I said, bathe the skimmer in a diluted mix of bleach for an hr, rinse very well, and it should be fine.