hob protein skimmer


New Member
hello to all. you have a great site here. i have a hob skimmer with a rio 600, variable venturi powerhead. pump is going to be replaced soon and was wondering if it could be replaced with a pump that moves more water ( such as a rio 800 ) without compromising the performance of the skimmer. could putting a stronger pump on cause unforseen problems such as overflow or anything else. thanks in advance to all that answer!


Active Member
What brand and model is the hob skimmer? More water movement won't help much, but if you get a pump that creates more bubbles, then that would help a lot. Like a pump with a mesh-mod would produce more bubbles.


New Member
well, it's a cpr, a cyclone 1 or 2 i think and it's been a great skimmer for 10 years. i was going to rebuild the powerhead with some new parts and saw the rio 800, that has a bigger impeller system. i know it would chop up the air intake better and figured it would also move more water. i just didn't know if the skimmer was designed for the rio 600 or if i put the bigger rio 800 on i would have overflow problems. maybey i'll order new 600 parts and the 800 and give it a shot. i know i need a backup anyway. just don't need no floods!