hob question


i have aqua clear 110 on my 90 and it throws bubbles even on low n i have concerns cause i don't want bubble algae. i also have a 405 fluval canister. my tank water isn't perfectly even 1/2 inch off on one side , old houses if you know what i mean. well anyway i was wondering what you guys thought about me removing my hob n getting another fluval to eliminate the bubbles n to keep my tank clear, it seems to always have tiny particles floating , tell me what thinks , thanks for any replies


I would think with the added filtration you'd get, it wouldn't be a bad idea at all. You'd definitely have more options on what type of media you can use.


Active Member
Originally Posted by isthatright
i have aqua clear 110 on my 90 and it throws bubbles even on low n i have concerns cause i don't want bubble algae.
As far as I know, bubble algae has absolutely nothing to do with air bubbles.

noah's nemo

Originally Posted by DragonZim
As far as I know, bubble algae has absolutely nothing to do with air bubbles.
This was my thought also.I have had the aqua clear your talking about on my 75 for the first year or so i started and it did the exact same thing.I never had bubble algae,and i think the fish actually kinda like the little bubbles.I think they are great HOB filters,mine worked great..


yeah they are good filters i've had them for yrs but i read somewhere on here that bubbles could get caught in fish gills n cause problems n could lead to bubble algae too so sometimes i turn it off during the day n back on at night. well thanks for reply.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by isthatright
i have aqua clear 110 on my 90 and it throws bubbles even on low n i have concerns cause i don't want bubble algae. i also have a 405 fluval canister. my tank water isn't perfectly even 1/2 inch off on one side , old houses if you know what i mean. well anyway i was wondering what you guys thought about me removing my hob n getting another fluval to eliminate the bubbles n to keep my tank clear, it seems to always have tiny particles floating , tell me what thinks , thanks for any replies

1/2 inch is allot; you need to find a way to level the tank. You have stress on one side and it can cause a leak.
HOB filters are not very good for a saltwater tank; it splashes and causes lots of salt creep. I have a 90g tank; I have a cascade and a 305 fluval canister. The 405 I believe is adequate for a 90g with live rock, so you don't need the HOB
Micro bubbles do not cause bubble algae.

noah's nemo


Originally Posted by Flower

1/2 inch is allot; you need to find a way to level the tank. You have stress on one side and it can cause a leak.
HOB filters are not very good for a saltwater tank
; it splashes and causes lots of salt creep. I have a 90g tank; I have a cascade and a 305 fluval canister. The 405 I believe is adequate for a 90g with live rock, so you don't need the HOB
Micro bubbles do not cause bubble algae.
Kinda disagree here,but i have seen many tanks doing great with HOB's ,for years(my lfs for instance).If you keep up on media cleaning and changing they are great,and if you keep your water level up ,no creep.I remember my old aquaclear(the one being discussed)would have hundreds of pods and filter feeders in the bottom of it thriving.I just think to dismiss them as being a good choice is not right.I do agree that this tank needs to be leveled ASAP.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Kinda disagree here,but i have seen many tanks doing great with HOB's ,for years(my lfs for instance).If you keep up on media cleaning and changing they are great,and if you keep your water level up ,no creep.I remember my old aquaclear(the one being discussed)would have hundreds of pods and filter feeders in the bottom of it thriving.I just think to dismiss them as being a good choice is not right.I do agree that this tank needs to be leveled ASAP.
I used an AquaClear 110 on my 75 for quite a while too and never had any problems with it. As long as you keep your water level in the tank at the right height there is no splashing and therefore no salt creep. Plus, it was a great place to run carbon when needed and turned into a great refuge for pods.


Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
Kinda disagree here,but i have seen many tanks doing great with HOB's ,for years(my lfs for instance).If you keep up on media cleaning and changing they are great,and if you keep your water level up ,no creep.I remember my old aquaclear(the one being discussed)would have hundreds of pods and filter feeders in the bottom of it thriving.I just think to dismiss them as being a good choice is not right.I do agree that this tank needs to be leveled ASAP.
well i do like the hob cause it seems to keep the water on top clean n if it doesn't create bubble algae , i'm not gonna worry about it. leveling my tank will require totally draining it,OMG, what alot of work , i'm sure u know i mean. i've had my 55 in the same spot for yrs so i hope my luck doesn't run out.

noah's nemo

Personally i think you'll be fine with that filter,assuming your not overstocked.Is there anyway to get some wedges under your tank somehow?


not without draining it, its a 90 so u know how heavy that is right, even without water the rock n sand and all is still heavy, we did add braces in the basement before filling it.

noah's nemo

I was thinking you would be able to take a small wood/plastic wedge and tap it in under your stand.No lifting involved,let the wedge do the work.Maybe drain it alittle less than halfway.Its not the fact that its uneven on your floor,but its a matter of more stress on the side wall of your tank.They are made to have even stress points on all 4 sides.


yea i hear ya. you got me thinking. so if i drain that much i'll have to move my corals below the water level huh? i don't have but a few. i'm sure they won't make it or maybe i could put the water i suck out in a bucket n put em in there huh. makes more sense watcha think?