
people say this is a hobby, but a lot of people give up on hobbies less than people give up on life...so shouldnt we call this life?:D


Not sure, I could probally have a nicer lifestyle if I didn't "have" to have sw.... so instead of hobby, instead of life, I'd probally call it almost an addiction. But a good kind, ya know.. like gambling ;)


I would also call it more of an addiction or maybe a habit. You just can't stop buying stuff and getting more tanks. Gambling is a good addiction?:eek: At least with my sw I have something to show for the $$$ I've spent. Unfortunatly I can't say the say for gambling.:(


Active Member
tally 4 for addiction.
Some say its almost like children. You buy all the neccesities for the tank. You start it off. Watch it grow. Then one day it can be a full sustained system pretty much on its own.


addiction - definitely, but a fun one! :cool: I've had a lot of hobbies, but fishkeeping has been around for 30 years and just keeps getting worse. :eek:


They need a addiction site for people like us so we can go and get help and counsling for the spouse's:D


Active Member
Gambling is a good addiction? At least with my sw I have something to show for the $$$ I've spent. Unfortunatly I can't say the say for gambling.
learn how to gamble ;)


Active Member
always said this was an addiction, in fact, my sig used to say I was a junkie and many of my posts referred to it as an addiction. It truly is!


Active Member
It is a hobby with an educational purpose for myself. I spend all this time, money and effort so as my 2.5 year old (and myself) can learn and enjoy marine biology...it makes it all worth it when she says "fishy legs daddy, see the fishy legs?"...referring to the serpent star...the pure excitement is whats it is about...



Originally posted by lesa
They need a addiction site for people like us so we can go and get help and counsling for the spouse's:D

I can see it now, poor former sw addict walks out with their spouse out of the support group.... shady lfs owner "happens" to be in the parking lot. Than just "happens" to announce that he's willing to let go with a new acrylic reef ready tank.... just stop by the lfs and he'll than give you a deal on stocking it!
The cycle continues! No point in fighting it! :)


Addiction All the way here! Sometimes, it concerns me that our WHOLE weekend is spent shopping @ fish stores around town. We're 21, shouldn't we be clubbin' or something?? :D Instead, we sit home and watch our fish... But we sure love it.



Originally posted by tarashane
Addiction All the way here! Sometimes, it concerns me that our WHOLE weekend is spent shopping @ fish stores around town. We're 21, shouldn't we be clubbin' or something?? :D Instead, we sit home and watch our fish... But we sure love it.

lol, 22 here... and I know what you mean!



Originally posted by tarashane
Addiction All the way here! Sometimes, it concerns me that our WHOLE weekend is spent shopping @ fish stores around town. We're 21, shouldn't we be clubbin' or something?? :D Instead, we sit home and watch our fish... But we sure love it.

Here too but we are not 21 anymore. LOL:D :D :D


only 17 almost 18 here, going to be college bound and I'll have to leave the tank with my parents in a year :(
and i have to admit, telling my friends i can't go to the movies or to a concert because i spent all my money on fish stuff gets embarassing after awhile :p
oh and its definately an addiction but a healthy one, i'd rather spend my money and time on fish than some of the less healthy addictions out there.