Hobbyists beware with hermits!


Hobbyists beware with red hermit crabs because they love to eat coraline!
I have a nano tank, a 10 galon and I have 4 red hermit crabs. The tank had coraline untill I added these hermits. I thought at first that it was my water parameters that killed my coraline...... but today I added a beautifull rock full of zoos and all the hermits came to that rock and started eating the coraline. After 3-4 hours the rock had almost no coraline. I got so mad that I putted them away on a plastic cup with holes inside the tank.
I will give them to the LFS tomorrow since I dont like to kill animals.

devil dog

Active Member
I don't know about that?
I have never heard of that...
do you have any pic's of this?
what color was the coraline?


Active Member
yea thats a new one to me, I know Urchins will eat the stuff but never heard of a hermit crab eating that.


Can you take a pic of your hermits?? Regular scarlet hermits won't eat coralline. Maybe you got some kind of off brand.


New Member
I have 5 Scarlet and 10 blue legs and I have never seen them eat the coralline, I do have a couple of Emerald crabs that do scrape the coralline often, but I have no problem with that in fact I think they help it propagate.