
New Member
Dear fellow passionists;
Although I have been reading on this topic for quite some time, I am reletivitly new to sohe hobbie of keeping saltwater fish, so i call upon you unce again for your advice, which hogfish is best for the following conditios:
tank size; 35 gal hex
tank mates;1 scooter blennie
1 six lined wrasse
inverts: yes
thank you , i know you can get the info i need ;)
p.s. any info on green and porclin crabs would be help full to :)


Active Member
35 Hex a bit confined for a Hog they like to move around all day long. If it were I it would be the Coral Hogfish starting off as a smaller fish Juv or small adult. They get to 5 to 6 inches but are mellow and not expensive but very good looking. Dianas too aggressive for that tank; Cubans too expensive and are deep water fish often poorly collected and won't last; Lyretail about same facts as coral. If you have seen my posts you may have noticed that I have 4 Hogs and adore the fish. My favorites are the baby and adult Corals I have (different tanks) the baby is completely different in coloration then the adult but just as active, hardy, and hungry as the larger one is.


Active Member
Not saying to scratch it but start with a Juve if you can find one (colors I think are better looking the adult altho adult is far from draub). I just pointed out they like to swim a lot and in a hex they mainly have up and down to work with. As long as tank is not over crowded it should be ok.


Active Member
Well with the 6 line and blennie and say a Hog I would think one more small fish and that is it. When I say small one that stays around the size of 3 inches max. Frankly at this stage of my hobby I enjoy less fish in a tank then I did starting out- Things work better and in case of a major problem losses are much easier to take.