

Not I. I'm a bitter young miser. I do not participate much in the "Holiday spirit". I laugh at corporations that do everything they can to milk every consumer of their last dollar in an attempt to make it "the best x-mas ever". And I laugh at consumers who buy into that bull. Those shoppers in line to get a deal or bargain thanksgiving evening, those that go out and buy a live tree every year only to slowly kill it in their living room. It's nothing more than corporations harvesting their profits for the year.


everyones right.. corporations suck for what they do to people.. people want to give to make others happy, bankrupt themselves and work all year to pay it off.. coprs take advantage of that. i think the people are great.. the holidays are wonderful. the bloodsuckers that take advantage of it suck... but on the other hand.. i would do it to if i could... wouldnt you? cant change the world so enjoy it windmill


My holidays are what I make them. I certainly don't let corporations dictate what I should do although I know a lot of people do, but they aren't going to ruin it for me. I love giving (what I can), I love seeing the relatives, I love watching the kids play in the it football or on their new toys.
Love lighting up the house like a beacon, love it all!! The smell of turkey then pine.


Active Member
I enjoy it all too. But not looking forward to buying presents this year....why....well I could put that money to my aquarium needs....or I should say wants :hilarious


Christmas is one of my FAVORITE times of the year! (Spring is the other). I am a big christmas fan. One of my 4 trees has been up for 2 weeks!