Holly SWF.COM Figi LR!!!!!!!!!


Just received 45 pounds of lr from SWF.com................Amazing!!!! I feel like an idiot adding it to the 100 pounds of crap that I bought from other online people.
This stuff is great. Anyone can email me for information. I'll post photos soon.


Active Member
Good to hear, and thanks for posting. Looking forward to pics. Sometimes it's hard to convince newcomers that this is a really good company to order from.


Now the question Journeyman. Scrub the rock before putting in my tank?...It looks great. has some sponge and other material on it. Tank is a 135g nothing but water, ls,lr.
Is this going to start my cycle over? (I can live with it)
Thanks for all the help. You are the first one that responded to my dumb questions about 6 weeks ago. Went with the dsb after your info. Your knowledge and a few others are going to pay off big in my tank.


Active Member
Thanks. Glad I could help.
Yes, since the rock has die off (from shipping) it will start your cycle. That's a great way to do it. Keep an eye on your water and do water changes whenever your ammonia gets near 1ppm. Above that and the ammonia will start killing the bacteria you're trying to raise.
Once ammonia starts really falling feed the tank a bit of fish food every few days to provide food for the ammonia fixing bacteria.
Yes, scrub the rock off in a tub of saltwater. Most of the things you scrub off can come back. I use a new toothbrush for this. By scrubbing off the decaying matter you help keep your ammonia from spiking too high.


Active Member
That's good to know, since I will probably be ordering my first batch of live rock from here, so it will help my new tank to cycle. Please post pics soon, I would love to see how it looks!


Yea......I let my amonia spike 7 days ago at 5.0. Blew it listening to others. 12 Days and no water change. Will do 20% tonight and another 20% Saturday.
Taking photos now, will post


Active Member
Where the pictures? Very interested in pictures, if you get a chance please post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Deric203
photobucket.com is not working....any other picture sites?
I use picturetrail.com



Photos are terrible. Ok.....OK.....the wife will take the next photos.......
Here is a photo of my tank. Rocks on the left are from SWF.com. On the right from other dealers. the color is not even comparable.


Paint blows!......This from one that thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept change....... :hilarious


$185.00/ 45-50 pounds delivered. The colored stuff is SWF 45#........The drab stuff is 100# at $500.00 plus $50.00 shipping.
SWF is the way to go by far.