Holy cow did I get 2 for the price of 1...



This anemone that I had put in a while back has finally found a home. Least I hope. He's been in this spot for about 5 days now.
But he comes out from behind the rock in 2 places, making it look like I have 2 'nemones...
It's totally col!!
They are much bigger in person, but maybe you all can imagine.

And here's where they are in the whole tank. Pretty good parking spot if you ask me.
(right above the yellow tang)
But of course now that I mention it, it's prolly gonna move again...



Active Member
Split allready?? I can't see how it could be spreading itself that far so it must have split.
Some folks have all the luck.


No no, it didn't split, he's just huge!!
I am worried that the clowns are gonna forget each other. One is on the left, one is on the right.