Holy crap, I've been here since 2008?!


Active Member
Ahhh, I love to reminisce about the days when I used to be big into the hobby. I remember living in Southern California and having like 4 small tanks. I remember Tizzo's advice and Sepulatian before she went on to be a mod. Darth Tang was still borderline acceptable... and who can forget COWFISHRULE... now there's a gentleman and a scholar.
I also remember Rotarymagic, who was just a misunderstood person. Also, that everyone on here were adults. Man, it was the frakkin' wild west.
Do you remember what brought you to the forums? do you remember what your first posts were? Do you remember getting internet-arrested by the tang police and then released on close parole? Yep, that was me too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick http:///t/389351/holy-crap-ive-been-here-since-2008#post_3440669
1 . Do you remember what brought you to the forums? 2. do you remember what your first posts were? 3. Do you remember getting internet-arrested by the tang police and then released on close parole? Yep, that was me too.
1. I needed a saltwater only forum that wasn't all about reefs. I liked the tight-knit feel of it.
2. A question about lionfish and triggerfish.
3. Nope :)


Well-Known Member
I was in the hobby before I came to this forum. I was actually searching for a new forum home and I came across his site and never looked back. I was here before you a bit... I remember those guys. I miss crimzy and mrX. I also miss reading nwdyr's posts and rotarymagic's rants. I also miss Goodwin updating his threads on here. King Neptune is is finally back! Yeah. I remember the good ole days.

darthtang aw

Active Member

You guys aren't answering the Tang police question... are you two actually MEMBERS of the tang police!!?!?!  :) 
i was arressted by the tang police more than anyone. still have 3 of them in a four foot wide 90.
i can say that here safely though. the tang police do not frequent the aquarium as the aqarium is the projects of this forum...the mods dont even like coming in here.
darth (kingpin) Tang


Well-Known Member
lol, I have kept tangs in 4 foot aquariums without any problems. I never told anyone on here because I didn't want the tang police after me. lol.


Active Member
I currently have a hippo tang in a 55. No one has called the tang police on me yet.


I was told about this place from my NOTSOLFS....I had my tank set up a couple of months and a LOT OF WASTED BUCKS before I found this place..
I have never been visited by the tang police....NOR am I one....BUT I WILL make suggestions as to the proper requirements to keeping one (or 5)
I jave a lot of posts, and people teaswe about that....IDC...It means nothing to me anyway....I have 5 tanks now and a QT, and I ALWAYS seem to have something going on....I also try to help when I can


Well-Known Member
LOL, Meowzer, I can remember when you first joined this site. XD All green behind the ears and frustrated as hell. lol


Active Member
I kept a hippo, juvi atlantic, and a yellow tang in my Red Sea Max. Only the hippo tang survived. That was what the tang police arrested me for. But I'm clean now, I promise!
YearOf (Overstocking is expensive) TheNick

eric b 125

i'm coming up on three years next month. i only come here regularly during the winter months, but a community like this is a great tool to have. i remember crimzy and mr.X. a lot of people have come and gone.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Wow I've been here since 2006 (had to look at a post I did to know that) I can't remember what I did yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I've been here since April 2008. I don't remember how I found this place, but I know that my first post was a question about a polyp budding off of my live rock. The standard "What the heck is this?" question. I'd had my tank for a few months before I started posting, but I was still a complete newb.
Oh. And I don't post NEARLY as much as our dear cat-lovin' lady Meowzer. How she gets anything done is beyond me...I don't think she sleeps.