Home Depot or LFS MH bulb


hey i was at home depot the other day and they had a 250 watt metal halide bulb for about 25 bucks, i was just wondering if there was a difference of spectrum from the home depot bulb or one of those 180$ LFS MH bulbs? will either work for a reef tank?

david s

i have a post goin just under this one about this bulb <a href="http://www.hellolights.com/250watt10000k.html" target="_blank">http://www.hellolights.com/250watt10000k.html</a>

65 bucs its 250 watt 10k


how do we know for sure that the Bulb from LFS or Online supply storer are not from Home Depot?


thats it, i have decided to do an experiment,
i will go buy the 25$ home depot mh light and use my 180$ MH light and set them up in two different 20 gallon tanks, stocked with the same amount of LR same 1 of the same polyp and 1 of the same coral coral everything will be the exactly the same in the two tanks but in one i will ust the 25$ mh and in the other the 180$ mh i will then see if one is better than the other or if one is not as good hopefully we will soon know the answer


The bulbs are the wrong spectrum. Check out the packages on the florescents at your LFS for what is meant on different spectrums. Now my ? is $180.00 for a bulb??? Man what wattage is that? check out the 250W MH DIY post there are bulbs listed there for the HD price.


I know this is kind of off topic, but that was a great question! I laughed pretty hard. Just being a philosphy major, and being in logic right now, I have questions like that all the time. Don't mean to waste space, but just thought I'd say I got a pretty good laugh out of that.


Drummerboy :)
thank you for yoru time and the experiment you trying to answers our question.
please post back with the result


New Member
to compair the secrtrums you could use a prism or diffraction grating to diffract the light and observe the spectrum. Pure white light (sunlight) would produce a perfect rainbow, where as light from different sources (ie mh bulbs, floresent ) would produce spectral lines. you could compair the spectrums and note the different spectrums produced. I'm gonna do some research on this and see if I know what I'm talking about.


New Member
check out this site for how to make a simple spectroscope
<a href="http://acept.la.asu.edu/PiN/act/prisms/prisms.shtml" target="_blank">http://acept.la.asu.edu/PiN/act/prisms/prisms.shtml</a>