home depot sand!!!!!



this is for aqurist that can answer this question can I use sand from home depot and if i can do i clean it or do i go buy sand from the pet shop please help me.

old salt

I recently saw a few posts on this and I believe if you buy the RIGHT stuff you can get it there. I would suggest doing a search from this site for sand or live sand. You should find what your looking for... good luck!


You are lucky to have access to the southdown sand, unlike old salt and myself who are on the west coast. I have a friend on the east coast who is going to mail me a bag. The shipping is $$$$$$$$. Count your blessings.


Staff member
Home Depoo, in some parts of the country, sells SouthDown sand which is aquarium safe. This is the ONLY sand at home depoo that you should use. So don't think you can just get any bag of sand; it must be the Southdown.

mr . salty

Active Member
Southdown Tropical Play Sand is the stuff they sell.But only on the east coast. And cleaning it is debatable. If you clean/rinse it you remove all the fine particals of sand that some say is desirable for bacteria formation. Not rinsing it will cause a nasty cloud in your tank for a couple days.


Active Member
Salty made some great points. I am one of the lucky ones that has HDs that carry southdown. I did not rinse mine because, as Salty mentioned, at the recommendation of more experienced people who said the fine stuff is very desirable for bacteria and other microorganisms in the dsb. I did however add it very slowly. In fact I am still adding it. I put it in a plastic baggie then dumped it at the bottom. If you dont do it slowly on an established tank you will sufficate everything.


If you have the SKU# from the bag, your local HD can have it transferred from store to store. I did this and my sand should be at my local HD in less than a week.
I did this only after I called Dawn at Southdown and she informed me they will no longer be selling direct to the public. she sait SD sand is also avail at www*purearagonite****. that is their subsidiary.
If you do a search for "Southdown" in these newsgroups, you can find the sku, upc, etc. that your local HD will need to track it down. Like I said, the only drawback is the time it takes for them to truck it across the country. HTH


I suggest you call the home depot nearest you, doesn't matter if you are in AZ, IA, etc, and give them this SKU# 578-819 make sure you tell them that thats for Southdown Tropical play sand... If you need to, give them the phone number for the Allentown home depot, email me for number- and tell them to talk to the Garden section. They will be able to order whatever you want.
email me for any of these numbers or phone numbers, Schroder_is@hotmail.com
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: schroder_reef ]


Just to put in my 2cents. I live in FL. and my homedepot didn't sell southdown sand. So I bought sand made by Quikrete. The sand is playbox sand and has been screened, dried and pre-washed. The grains are pretty small. I've had it in my tanks for about 6mos. With absolutly no problems. The inverts love it and it makes a great DSB with the small grains. HTH


Active Member
Anyone in the Appleton/Green Bay, WI area looking for a bag of southdown? I got an extra one lying around if anyone is interested. :)


i have used the play sand in my fw planted tanks for years and it's never affected the pH.
Wouldn't see why it shoyuldn't be as stable in saltwater