Home for a clown...?


New Member
We have had a bubble coral for about 3 months now and it is doing great. Just last week we purchased a yellow tang and a tomato clown. They get along great. The clown follows the tang around like a little kid. My question is...The clown has been swimming around the bubble coral a lot and sometimes touching it, I guess to see if it is okay or not. Has any one ever heard of a clown of any type making a "home" in a bubble coral??? BTW we do have two small carpet anenomes in the tank.


i have heard of this i have heard even stranger things than a coral...i saw a pic of a clown that made a maxima clam its host.....as long as it isnt causing stress on the coral (which i doubt it is) its fine....the coral will take about 2 or 3 days to really get used to your clown but it will soon adapt......i dont even have my first sw. tank set up but i know all about clowns they are my absolute favorite...followed closely by your little yellow tang......if ya got any pictures id love to see them


New Member
my percula loves the green mushrooms I have in my tank. I think they love anything they can rub their bodies against that is slimy and soft.
I got a purple tipped anenomes and the three clown's went nuts on it. The tomato clown was much larger than the sebae clowns so it took over. Now the sebae swim in the hammer coral and bubble corals.