Home made chiller or cooling gizmo idea


Active Member
well heres an idea, i dont know if it will work though
1.Get a decent sized cooler, not a small or compact one
2. Fill it up with ice and water
3. Get a powerhead or a pump and a long hose that will fit on the powerhead or hose so that it wont leak or what not.
4.Connect the hose and somehow the tube should be in the tank and coming out the other ending back into the cooler returning the water back. Basically a cold tube/hose should be in your tank.
5. Clamps should be used to hold down the hose so that the hose doesnt shoot everywhere. I dont know if anyone has any room in the back of their tanks some might some dont. the hose could be in a sump.
6. I guess you should refill the ice every few hours once melted.
7. The cooler could be almost anywhere i think depending on where you want to put it
i think you can use an airline tube maybe get 4 long ones and rubberband them to form a square with 4 holes
*Please, do not blame me if something goes wrong, its just an idea to help you guys out without buying something too expensive
yes my drawing sucks but atleast it explains it somewhat better
i will take any feedback negative or postive:cool: