Home made frozen food


Hello everyone. I have about 8 packs of home made frozen food. I make my own but dont know how to make small quantities and it gets pretty expensive so I am trying to unload some of it and also give you local guys an excellent buy.
Unlike regular frozen food I pack it with the good stuff so you dont get 50% water in the product like frozen food usually comes.
I have two types.
#1 Sea Food : Packed with squid, mussels,shrimp, formula 1 ,Prime reef,vit C, garlic extract, Zoecon and baby vitamins all blended together with a fish broth and Arginate for binding .All is allowed to harden and frozen then cut into cubes.
#2 Algae: Nori, Purple Algae, Brown Algae,Spirulina,Formula 2,Seaweed Selects,Prime reef Algae, VitC,baby vitamins,Zoecon,Garlic Extract by Kent blended together with fish broth and Arginate for binding allowed to harden and frozen then cut into cubes .
The cubes float then sink allowing all to enjoy. My tangs as well as my creepy crawlers all love it.
I am asking just 5 bucks for a 5 x 4 sheet of this stuff. the only catch is that I will not ship it so you have to be local and willing to pick it up.
If interested shoot me an Email at BigBoneDee@nyc.rr.com.