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Depends on the age Salty. Can an "average" parent teach junior high or high school as effectively as a teacher? I hope not. Not the "average" parents and teachers I know of, anyway.
As a youth minister I saw both sides of it. And I would argue both sides in this discussion tend to be wrong, based on my experiences.
I know probably 20 teens that were home schooled. Their parents were well educated, networked with other home schoolers, and worked tirelessly to provide the best education to their kids. The kids were better educated than the public schools, no question. A home school student would come in my office and want to discuss world religions, or politics, or famine in Africa. Suffice to say, they were much more educated than their counterparts in public schools.
HOWEVER... You could almost always point out the home school students in a crowd. Public schools do provide an environment to socially develop away from mom and dad. Not all the time, but many times the home school students were not as skilled at interacting with crowds of their peers.
I'm a huge fan of the voucher system and private schools...
stereotype much???? All the home schooled kids are normall and "cool". now there are the home schooled kids that dont get out much and are kind of nerdy but alot of this has changed