Homemade Coral Sculpture..Is it possible?


New Member
Does anyone know how or if it is possible to sculpt artificial coral-like sculptures? I've seen the artificial corals sold in local aquarium stores and they are so expensive. I'd like to make my own somehow?! Not sure what would be safe for use. There is a sculpting compound called Fimo, it is sold in art supply stores, I'm wondering if anyone would know if that is safe to use? Or what would be? Thanks.


I am right now in them process of making my own reef rocks out of plaster-of

. So far, I have made a huge "rock" which I made lighter by putting some inert styrofoams. It's looking nice and natural. I don't know about coral structures, you will need a mold for that.


you might want to check out <a href="http://www.garf.org" target="_blank">www.garf.org</a> they make there own rock when they sell frags, i would guess somehow you could make a coral out of it