Homemade Fish Food


I want to start to make my own food for my fish and am wondering who makes their own food? what are the ingredients and how do you prepare it?
i think my fish are getting bored with the same ol stuff :thinking:


Active Member
I bought a "seafood mix" or something like that. Came with shrimp, fish, clams, squid, and octopus all in one. I put some in one of those small choppers and added some garlic. My fish love it.


The "Super Wally worlds" sell a seafood combo mixture for about $4 a bag. Lasts a longggg time...diced in a blender makes a smorgasborg for all tank inhabitants. The only thing I do is pic out some of the Octopus cuz theres alot of it and nobody seems to like it much.(natural enemy in nature?)
Overall a good bargain that allows variety to the diet.