homemade fishfood ?


New Member
I have heard about making fish food at home. What do you use and how do you make it? It is quite costly to keep buying the frozed food. Any help would be great!


Active Member
i got this from a user on the board
1. plastic baggies
2. bananas
3. peas
4. spinach
5. squid
6. cod
7. garlic
8. carrots
"it doesnt really matter how much you put in each batch all you have to do is blend it up and put it in bagies. every time you feed just break a piece off about the size of a piece of corn and feed.."


New Member
I have recently started making my own homemade food that includes the following;
fresh (from frozen) thawed peas
fresh (from frozen) thawed broccoli
fresh (from frozen) thawed carrots
Angel Formula (sponge)
freeze dried Krill
Run in food processor, add zoecon (Thanks Beth!), then either add to a ziploc bag or pour into small cube ice tray.
Hopefully my tank info shows below, so you will know what I'm feeding, but all fish really love this stuff. My Emperor has been fighting a case of HLLE, and over the last week or so, this stuff has shown some slight benefit already. This mixture has completely cured the beginnings of HLLE in the purple tang.


for a staple I use dried enriched spinurila/kelp flake. Brocken nori decapsulated brine shrimp selco,&zoe. The water I use in the mix is ro and I mix with alga paste. I always use that but i mix it with a seafood mix of squid,octo,clams,shrimp,fish ect any seafood.. I blend /grind the meat really good Then i mix large pieces and the rest of the stuff and blend just to mix. The food is fine for corals and large for fish. i tend to only use stuff found in the ocean


Here's a recipe a got a while back.
It's like formula 1 frozen food but with more fresh additives like carrots and such.
Start with ANY greens, fruits and vegetables you can find. An example would include, but not be limited to; carrots, broccoli, yams, oranges, apples, Romaine lettuce, etc.
Put all the above in a blender or food processor.
Slowly add shrimp, crab legs (both with shells), and/or smelt. Do not use any fish that would contain high levels of oils, like herring or mackeral.
Blend mixture as fine as possible.
Add liquid vitamins or crushed tablets, you can also add Selco or
Selcon. The mixture should have the consistancy of mud. Add some liquid to thin it up if it appears to thick, carrot or sweet potato juice works well for this purpose as it is high in vitamin content. You can also use clam juice or water.
Next: Boil 100-150ml of water and add the same amount of unflavored gelatin. Mix the gelatin and vegetable mixture together pour the resulting mixture into a rectangle pan and
allow to cool. You can place the mixture in the freezer but be sure to score the mixture before it is completely hardened, to make it easier to separate later.
After the mixture is frozen you can separate the pieces and place them in freezer bags for use as needed.
Hope this helps!!!!


New Member
Thank you all for the help. It is just getting costly feeding frozed foods from a peshop...yet I might be getting a job at a Marine Scene and will be getting employee discounts. I will be learning so much more about SW that it will be pouring out my ears! :eek:
Well thanks again for the help, and my fish say thanks too.