

I have a 135 gl with an old wood hood. I have a friend(cabinet maker) who is going to build me another hood. Does anyone have any suggestions, hints, or plans? I don't want to have it built then in a month go "I wish he would have..........."
Thanks! :D


well as for desings... go to lfs and look around...
but most of make all hardware brass or stainless steel..that way it wont corriode to bad...lot of ideas out there... but ive seem to think its best to see one at lfs with your buddy and then toss some ideas around with him while there...think about how your lighting is or want to be inside it..look at some of the guys sites here in there posts... look look look... between the two of you im sure you can come to a hood you will enjoy to have on top :cool:


Make sure there is easy access to the tank, and especially for feeding. Also make sure you can ventilate for heat, especially with MH lighting (if you have MH!). I am planning a new hood for my 135, and I plan to have it hang above the tank so it will not hold in heat that will transfer to the water. That will also make it easier to raise and lower the lights over the tank if I want to decrease or increase intesity on the tank. Drawbacks to doing this: there will be increased evaporation, and there might be more light spilled out into the room than with a completely enclosed hood.
Make sure the parts that are near the water are waterproof. You can paint it with epoxy paint, or cover it with plexiglass.
Good luck.


Staff member
I'm having a canopy built now. If you want to see some of the choices, then email me and I'll send you some stuff to look at.
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