hooray 4 me, I got published!


Active Member
I don't mean to come off as boastful, but I just got my first poem published. :cheer: It's called "I wrote a little poem" and I dedicated it to my little brother who died in a car crash a few years ago. Now I'm thinking I should pursue this little writing bug that surfaces every few years.
Anyway, here it is:
I Wrote a Little Poem
I wrote a little poem.
It started rather slow.
My thoughts were all confused.
Slowly, they began to flow.
Since this one is my first,
in poetic rules I am not versed;
it follows no boundaries.
Maybe that is for the best
since poems are too beautiful
to be bound inside a chest.
So if we write what's in our heart
and share it with the world,
it doesn't matter if it rhymes
if we like the story told.
Phil Snedeger
Copyright ©2006 Phil Snedeger
The book is called Twilight Musings and is a collection of amateur poets' work.


Oh that is TO COOL!!! Just don't forget all us little people when you are famous!! LOL


Active Member
very nice!!! Congrats on your publication...

I have a good freind who has been trying for years o get published... I think he is a very talented poet... he has entered several contests and submited to numerous publications and has yet to get published...


Active Member
Thanks guys, I have a few ideas floating around and need to get them on paper before I forget them. They seem to hit me when there is no possible way of writing them down, like in the car or at SeaWorld (usually the car).
It's kinda odd....I don't really know how to act, I'm sorta.........giddy!!


Great poem i like it alot..... and good luck with future poems keep us updated and keep posting more!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Oh that is TO COOL!!! Just don't forget all us little people when you are famous!! LOL

I could do without famous, but RICH would be nice!!!


Just read this thread - Congratulations. That really is good to hear that there are publications like that that not only fulfill some dreams but also get new talent out to the public. Might have to pick up a copy. Maybe the royalties will help you get a new....well, I'll stop there. congrats again


Active Member
Congratulations Socal!!!! Mazal Tov!! You should be VERY proud of yourself.
Are you doing anything special to celebrate?

It's such a gift to see something so beautiful come out of so much pain. I am terribly sorry to hear about your brother. You do something truly graceful when you honor his memory.
As we say in Hebrew, "Yashar Koach." Meaning, you should continue in the way of the strength you have shown.


Active Member
more like 100 billion trillion zillion fillion jajilion aekjlfhncaewnyglkfctawke dollars :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
Thanks, guys
and Shalom to Mimzy
I think....Peace and God be with you.....is that right??
I worked on a car for a guy from Israel once and if I remember correctly, well, anywho, thanks
And my brother's death sits well with me. That night, I said a prayer and asked God to take care of him. He died a few minutes later.....now that was a fast response!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
more like 100 billion trillion zillion fillion jajilion aekjlfhncaewnyglkfctawke dollars :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
Dude...........I'd just BUY SEAWORLD!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Thanks, guys
and Shalom to Mimzy
I think....Peace and God be with you.....is that right??
I worked on a car for a guy from Israel once and if I remember correctly, well, anywho, thanks
And my brother's death sits well with me. That night, I said a prayer and asked God to take care of him. He died a few minutes later.....now that was a fast response!
LoL, Shalom. Cute :eek:) Shalom actually has a bunch of meanings. There's really no equivalent for it in English - it's something said both when greeting someone and when saying goodbye. The literal meaning is "Peace."
Your story is beautiful!