Hope I can keep my tank!


I'm a university student and live in some university owned apartments. I've got a 55 gallon tank. A 55g tank has been setup in this apartment the last 3 years.
Anyways, the RA came today and told me that there was a report that I had a 100+ gallon tank in my apartment and apparently 40g is the largest that is allowed in these apartments. Well, she was relieved that I didn't have that big of a tank becuase it could have causes structural issues, but told me that I was still in violation and had to get rid of my tank. I pointed out that I had a lot of live rock and stuff so my tank probably only had about 40g worth of water. I explained how I really didn't want to get rid of my fish and she told me I can go appeal it to the residence director. So anyways, I'm going to go do that tomorrow. I'm hopeing she'll make an exception to the rule for me (or at least ignore the fact the tank is there)
Anyways, The tank is visable from a window, in fact you can see it very easily from outside when it's dark out. I am just curious who would see it and then feel the need to fausly report it. My tank really isn't hurting anybody....
Anyways, wish me luck tomorrow!


Active Member
Good luck. i would have blackmailed the RA,"theres been a 55 in this unit for 3 years, I'd hate to bring up the fact that you slipped in your duties for that long".


maybe yer lights are bugging people at night. i've got 3 pendent metal halids that go on from 2pm-10pm. if my blinds aren't shut then it turns the entire side of my neighbor's house blue.


I doubt it, directly outside the window is a road and then across from that is a pasture the vet med students graze horses on. As for lights it's not a reef tank so all I have is one of your single, generic floursecent fixtures. I think people just have too much time on their hands.


Active Member
Originally Posted by compjtc
I doubt it, directly outside the window is a road and then across from that is a pasture the vet med students graze horses on. As for lights it's not a reef tank so all I have is one of your single, generic floursecent fixtures. I think people just have too much time on their hands.
Too much time, or are simply envious.
BTW, I think the weight is probably the issue. I would research the weight difference between a 40 and a 55.


That sounds ridiculous. Sounds like jealousy to me. I can't see where there would be that much of a difference between a 40 and 55 gallon. Besides, it should have been in their lease if they thought it was a problem. I know waterbeds on a second floor apt. can be an issue, but how many hundreds of gallons do they hold??!! I like xDaves comment, " I would have blackmailed the RA,"theres been a 55 in this unit for 3 years, I'd hate to bring up the fact that you slipped in your duties for that long". Hehhehe! Great come back! Let us know how it turns out. I used to handle claims for apartment complexes and have never had a structural damage claim from a 40 or 55 gallon or any size aquarium for that matter. It doesn't mean I'm right, it just seems a little far fetched.


If the limit is 40 gallons of water how much rock do you have??? How much space, in inches would you say the rock takes up???


Originally Posted by maroonytun
If the limit is 40 gallons of water how much rock do you have??? How much space, in inches would you say the rock takes up???

Ha, I made the same arguement! I said something like "well, there probably really is only 40 gallons of water in there."
I went and had a meeting with the person that is in charge around here and asked her if an exception can be made. She was really friendly but said it was her job to enforce the rules, she didn't make them, and she couldn't give me an exception. Then, she said I could write a formal letter to her and she'd forward it up the chain of command and see what they say. I haven't heard back from them yet.
I hope they let me keep it, I just bought another 40 pounds of live rock (for $1 a pound, oh yeah :) ) I'll keep you guys posted on what they say!


Active Member
Originally Posted by compjtc
I hope they let me keep it, I just bought another 40 pounds of live rock (for $1 a pound, oh yeah :) ) I'll keep you guys posted on what they say!
no offense but thats not really gonna help ur case if u buy 40#s of lr


nah, that helps, because that displaces the amount of water that could potentially spill all over the floor..
anyways...the verdict is in!!!
"Hello John, I have been given permission to grant an exception for your 55 gallong aquarium. I truely appreciate the way we were able to work together on this. If you need anything else, please let me know. Take care"
What a sigh of relief! I think i'm going to have to go get another fish or something to celebrate. Also, we discussed the rules earlier and it said that I could have multiple tanks as long as none of them were any larger than 40 gallons. I got the permission to keep the 55, and so i'm going to exploit the multiple tank rule to setup a 30g fuge :)
What fish would be cool? Right now I just have a lawnmower blenny and a false perc. Another clown and maybe a firefish goby? flame angel?