Hope I don't cause to much trouble,


They are a very good filtering option, as they are very versatile in what you can do to them, and add to them as well. They keep your tank from being cluttered, also. You can put your heater, protein skimmer, uv sterilizer, and most other hang-on or drop-in equipment all in the sump and all you would see in your tank would be the siphon and return tubes. The only tricky thing about them is keeping the level of the water in the sump at the proper height to allow for power outages, to keep from flooding your house. lol


first off let me say that i am a huge fan of using wet/dry in my sump for a ton of reasions but there are a few people in the know that dont like them. the main reasion for this is that they tend to be "nitrate factory's" and can cause some nitrate problems. but if you are a newby there is nothing wrong with setting up a wet/dry in the begining and as you learn more about the way things work you can do what works best for you. berlin anyone? like i said though i have always used wet/dry and i like it.