Horned Shark


I have a Horned Shark, about 10 inches, in a 180 gallon tank. My son wants to get a Clown Trigger next. Are they compatable? No other fish in tank.


It has long been argued what Triggerfish can live with what sharks. Unfortuntely it does all depend on the enviornment they live in. I have had a horn shark with a clown trigger in a 540 gallon tank. There was sufficient room and the shark mostly stayed in hiding all day. However in a 180 gallon... the trigger very well could harass the shark or bite at its eyes like angel fish are so well known to do. Triggers are also known to bite and tear at the fins of sharks. Being that clowns are very aggressive you could be in a tough situation there. Look at finding a bigger home for your horn shark because he will need about a 300 in full growth anyway. Or for now at least give him some space to hide.


We have had the horned shark for 18 months, he has grown about 3 inches in that time. we feed him 3 times a week untill he wants now more. Are we doing something wrong because he isnt growing that fast?


Not at all... horn sharks don't grow very fast. I have even tried feeding them more often, but when I do that they just refuse the food. Every 2 or 3 days is perfect for them. Mine have grown maximum of about 4" per year. Even in the larger enviornments it's about the same.


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lionsohmy!, check out his profile, that is the little one(well,not actually THE little one, but look for yourself), LOL, you'll love that
ah yeah, if you don't know how, just click on the card with the person next to the date and time, after his name, and be prepared to be amazed!(if you haven't seen that), he's got pic's too, at his homepage, it is in his profile too