Horrible Day


I think it all started when i adjusted my new rio protein skimmer/filter. I think it over filled and started spashing water on my power strip. And this is happening when im sleeping last night. When i woke up i smell the burning plastic. So i unplug the whole strip and i had to leave for drivers ed. I only had 1 ph going for the current. The rio skimmer is on my 10 gal below my 55 gal and the water was splashing on my 8 plug in power strip. Lucky there was only one plug in that got burnt up. But guess what it was the most expensive thing i have on the tank, My $200 lights.
When i got back and when my dad got home he made a new plug in for it.
Then i put my 10 gal under my 30 gal so i can clean up all the water. Had to get another power strip. Well when i got it all cleaned up i pluged everything in the strip and then my daylight bulbs did not work. So i tryed messing with them and got shocked. SO i just put it down to let it dry.
Everything is wet because of how humid it is outside and i have all the widows open.
Then i touch the water and I got shocked from that too. It was from my crappy internal uv steralzser. So i was kind of worried since I have a longhorn cowfish in there.


Active Member
haha this is probably just coincidence but uhh i live in minnesota and had to go to drivers ed too haha how funny...sorry though about your problems i dont know what to say for em