horse shoe crab help


New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank with a blue tang, false percula clown, mandarin goby, and a flame angelfish. and i was wondering if i got a horse shoe crab would it ruin my tank?
I have open brains a bunch of anemones and 3 clams also.


I've never had a horshoe crab myself, but this is what I've heard:
They get extremely big over time....too big for most aquariums.
They are very clumsy and easily knock over rock structures and anything else in the tank.
They have to have soft sand b/c they burrow themselves in it which leads to the next point that you hardly ever see them b/c they spend much of the time buried.
Overall they are not recommended for most aquariums and I think most people will suggest that you don't get one.
Hope I helped!


I had a small one for awhile and would still have it if it weren't for the vicious pencil urchin that munched him! If you have medium to small grain sand I'd say get a small one to start off with. I have two anemones too (no clams though) and no problems there. Again, make sure your rock is fairly sturdy. They actually come out and swim more than I thought....a few times a day....very cool to watch! Great sand-shifters. :cool:
Ive got 2 in my 46gal, I thought my first one died so I ran out and got another then I found out they molt. They are great at keeping my sand clean, but I know I'll have to trade them in sometime. I got them the size of a quarter and 1 has already molted twice and thaey are a blast to watch. So if you can find a place to trade them when they get too big go for it...
Good luck with whatever you decide. :rolleyes:


I have two of them in my 150 gallon. They burrow and hide in the sand and only show themselves a couple times a week. They are extremely cool. They don't seem to bother any of my corals (hard or soft), or any of my inverts. I've only owned them about 6 months and haven't noticed any rapid increase in size. Good Luck.


Vince, if you keep adding this fish so fast, you may be begging for trouble! I would reccommend waiting 2-3 weeks between fish. Keep an eye on your water levels.
I may not know the entire story, but i see one post that says you have 2, then 3 now 4....
just be careful, I'd hate to see you post "All my fish are dead! Sharks help"


I reasearched horseshoe crbs and found they would wind up being more trouble than theyre worth for a reef system.


I've got three in my 80gal with 90# of LR. They feed on my live sand bed (not fast enough to make a difference). I also feed them a piece of krill a couple times a week when they come out. They're cool little creatures. I fell in love with them after I rescued a sick one from my LFS. Good luck with yours. COOP.