Horses and clowns


Heyy. I have a biocube 14 and have always wanted to try seahorses but also want clownfish. Could I keep two clowns with two seahorses (probably erectus) together, or would the clowns out do them when eating? Any advice would really help.


Well, firstly the 14 GBioCube is not big enough for Erectus, or really any seahorses besides the pygmys.
I've seen people put clowns with seahorses on a few occasions, but I'd say that it probably isn't the wisest decision. Clowns grab food quickly and can get aggressive, two things that aren't good for the horses.
I did raise three young H. kuda horses in a 14G BioCube, but only for 3-4 weeks to make sure they were eating, and then they were moved to a proper tank.


oh ok, i thought 14 would be big enough, but i def do not want to keep pygmies because then i would have to raise baby brine shrimp. i'll just stick with the clowns then. thanks for the advice.


Active Member
You have to remember lrg breed horses can reach up to 8 inches in length. Some even bigger. The smallest tank recommended is a 29 gal. for one pair.