Horseshoe Crab


My husband wants a horshoe crab(well I do too!) I know nothing about them except they like to burrow in the sand. I do have a DSB. But can they be kept with a porky puffer, a voilitan lion and eibli angel? If anyone has had one or knows anything I would appreciate it. Thanks


I got one once it only lived a week. I only saw it once it was dead. It will kill everything in your dsb.


They deplete your sandbed then they die this is the experience that I have had with them you never see them and mine never lived past a couple of months.


I have 2 horshoe crabs in my 47 Gal (had them for about 3 months) and they are doing just fine. I like them a lot. One of them likes to climb to the very top of the live rocks, and catch the water current and swims upside down until he hits the sand. It's So funny. So, as for me, they are great!
TERASHANE: Mine does the same thing... he climbs to the top of the reef and goes... "hey fellas, check out this backflip! YEE-HAWW!"


Active Member
As the first three people to answer noted, they are NOT good for a DSB. They will eat the critters you want to keep.
They grow very large- but most are doomed in our tanks anyway, so that is not a major concern, I guess. They are by nature and design bulldozers, and will not often be seen.
Many, many, many die from being blown around the tanks and sucked onto powerheads. They do not 'enjoy' this. They are weak swimmers and it, at least IMO, should not be enjoyable to watch an animal struggle against a current until it can settle out again (if it can). Sorry, don't understand this :confused: