Horseshoe Crabs


Nobody seems to be listening, so I'll give ya my $.02...
The biggest I've ever seen is a body of about 3 inches diameter and a 5 inch tail. As for their life span ??? :confused:
What I do know is they are very clumsy swimmers, and will bump into the reef and knock it down (on themselves...)


New Member
Well if the horseshoe crabs that you get for aquariums are anything like the ones I've seen in Florida then they can get almost 3 feet long and about a foot wide. Pretty good size. I'm not sure how long it takes to reach that size nor what their lifespan is. Good luck.
Tom :(
HAY Executer, we just lost ours to a carpet anenome, they are terrible swimmers and are always nocking stuff off, for the size ours was the size of a silver dollar when he met his maker, I also have heard they do get big in time. LOL...fixit


Active Member
Besides being clumsy swimmers and the fact that they get too large for most tanks, they will also desroy the sand fauna in a reef setting. They grow rapidly depending on what they are eating, and yes they get just as big as the Florida ones, figgin huge :)