horseshoe crabs


Active Member
i heard they get really large man, i hope you have a large tank to house it. i think they eat left overs, they are scavengers


They get very large, and require a large sandy area so they can bury themselves. It would be wise to skip on this animal. Most tanks in the hobby aren't suited for this animal.
i have a 120g. will they survive? i already bought two. they were cheap. what is the worst that can happen? should i take them back

al mc

Active Member
Unfortunately they will not live more than a few months IMHO. These crabs will grow incredibly big over time..several months..or die before they do. They are great creatures. Look ferocious but are quite harmless. We have a lot of them in my part of the world.


Active Member
They are easy to keep - if you have a species tank. This would mean a large, shallow tank without rock work, ideally circular, and with a nice sand bed. Also it would be cooler, and have lower flow than our tanks.
They are great and fascinating animals. We actually owe a lot to them. But they do not, IMO, belong in most of our tanks, and face a much reduced life span.