HorseShoe Crabs


So I bought 2 very small ones. About an 1-2 inches long. They are kind of neat but basically burrow and walk around under the substrate. I have CC substrate. They are in a long established 46bow tank. Anyone have any experience with these? I have heard mixed things with some people saying they aren't going to grow too big in the tank and others saying they could grow pretty big. I have mostly small fish in the tank:

Yasha Shrimp goby
pistol shrimp
cleaner shrimp
couple other small shrimp
barnacle blennies (3)
jawfish- chinstrap
clown goby
watchman goby
bunch of hermit crabs and 2 emerald crabs.
geometric hawk
2 red headed gobies

that's it in the tank. Only recent addition was the jawfish- everything else has been in the tank for quite awhile.


Well-Known Member
These animals are peaceful, and large. We used to use 12 inch specimens in the lab. Probably your biggest problem will be their knocking things, like rocks, down.