horseshoe crabs


:rolleyes: When my tank is finally done cycling I would really like to have a horse shoe crab. However, I have heard other people make comments on how they can ruin your DSB?? Is this true? Besides sifting the sand do they eat anything else?? I am going to have a FO tank with no LR.


I've also heard these things are bigtime diggers. They also grow LARGE. I've seen on nature shows a scientist flip one over on a show once to show its legs, this thing had to be almost the size of a manhole cover.


These are ecsesively large and you have to make sure they get enough food. They can be a problem with the trates from there poop.


Hmmm...I can't really agree with any of the above comments. I've had two in a reef tank for a few years, the only problem I have with them is that they can scare some corals into closing up when they climb on them, but its only temporary.
They don't bother the sand bed, as a matter of fact, they help keep it level and even. My sand bed is full of pods, worms, and all kinds of critters.
As far as crab "poop", I've never seen it, so I doubt its too much of an issue.
I love these guys, and unless you have a lot of SPS corals, I say go for it.


How old are your horseshoe crabs and how big are they? I'm thinking of getting one too, but afriad that it'll grow too big for my 29g.


The one in front is about 1 1/2, the rear one is 1. They molt every six-eight months, and when they molt they're 125% of their previous size.