Hospital tank question


I have a hospital tank that is currently not in use. Its all setup up with salt water but no filters, power heads or anything running. I have the filters and bacteria wheel from this tank in my main display tank - actaully in the sump. These have been there for about 4 weeks.
If I moved these filters back to my hospital tank, would that mean the tank would be cycled and ready to put a fish in there - or even just quarantin a fish.
Also I have no substrate in this tank.
Any comments, before I start.


Active Member
If you have not had any filter or anything running in the QT, the water is probably stagnant. The QT probably isn't all that big so I would take some water from your 155 and put it in the QT. If you plan on putting anything in the QT, you would have to keep it running just like a normal system. Hasn't a lot of your water evaporated over a four week period? Crusty layer on top of water? Good luck.