Hospital tank questions


Active Member
ok, this is the first time I used a hospital tank (not knowing any better and have learn to do so from this site). Anyways, I got 2 "getting better" fish in it now. My question is when they do get 100% better and I re-acclimate to the main tank what to do with the hospital tank that has copper in the water due to ich treatment? Water changes till the copper is not present?? Also do I have to have a fish in the hospital tank (like a damsel)in the "in between" times?? Any help is appreciated. I also want to use this hospital tank as a QT is that ok or do I need 2 seperate tanks?? and if so do I need to have a fish in the QT tank also in the "in between" times? thanks all.


Staff member
Since you used copper, I would, at least do a complete water change and thoroghly clean out all of the filters. If you want to use the same setup as a QT, then probably breaking down the whole system and cleaning it will be best. You can use water from your main tank to help with re-cycling it. Additionally, no need to use fish to cycle a tank. Instead, just add raw shrimp, chopped up, and cycle your tank that way.
If you QT your fish appropriately you will rarely, if ever, need a hospital tank.


Active Member
Beth, all I have to do is clean everything real good to make sure the copper is removed to set up for a QT, correct? I didnt mean I wanted to cycle with the damsel, I meant does any kind of fish have to live in the tank when I am not Qing anything, can the tank sit empty (w/o a fish) and the water parameters stay good? And if I add water from the main tank during a water change to the QT wouldnt that make the QT ok since the water from the main tank is in check? and then maybe a few days later do a water change in the QT tank therefore avoiding a cycle at all. Does that sound ok, or am I wrong? Thanks ;)