Hospital Tanks yea/nay???


Hello all...
I was wondering how all of you felt about hospital tanks. I have a few friends here in Alabama that have them and I get all kinds of conflicting info.
in a nutshell it seems to me that when a fish needs some type of treatment and it is moved to a different tank, the stress from the move kind of does them in...out of 8 separate cases I know of only 1 fish recouperated...I would venture a guess that more fish are saved by treatment in a main tank where at least they feel a bit more secure...
aside from the obvious (copper in a reef system) where do ya'll stand on this issue.
Lets get a good round table going here..I'm really interested..


Active Member
It depends on what the fish has and the severity of the infection or infestation. I think more fish are killed by being bounced from tank to tank with different treatments then would be if left in healthy conditions. The old saying is definately true in this hobby an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep your water clean, stress low, and read BEFORE you buy.

mr . salty

Active Member
I say use'em. I have alot of $$$ fish in my main tank,and although things have mellowed out in it now(knock on wood),if one or two of my fish fell ill they would be treated seperatly. Alot of meds out there will affect your bio system,liverock,and sand. Also,Why subject the whole tank to the stress of treatment when only one fish is ill. Hospital tanks are also smaller than main tanks,so you are using less medication,and some are very expencive.STEVE


they can't hurt..... I put all my fish in quarntee for three weeks before putting them in with the general public.... that way I can keep an eye on them and if they are sick they will not spred it to the rest of them in the main tanks!!!!! its a 55 galon with a skilter 400, hydro sponge, 4 cleaner shrimp a couple turbos and hermits.