Hospital Tanks


I have a white-spotted filefish that has been sick for the past few weeks. At first I believed it was only a touch of fin rot. I quarantined and treated with Melafix, and the fins have come back nicely. Now, however, since I placed him back into the home tank, he has developed what appears to be ich along with cloudy, and somewhat bloated eyes. Any suggestions on what type of medication would best treat these afflictions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks. . . from me AND my filefish!!!


Staff member
If the fish is still active and eating, return him to the QT, of course, then try hyposalinity. At this point he may also have an infection so add some antibiotics to his treatment . Keep the QT well circulated with good water quality.
If you need info about hyposalinity, use the serach feature or post back.


Thanks for the reply, Beth! I didn't have the chance to go to the LFS for the meds until the next day and, lo and behold, the fish looked great in the morning!! Absolutely NO signs of infection whatsoever! He is very vigorous, and eating well . . . sometimes you just get lucky!
Thanks again,