depending on the type of anemone. ... With bubbletips, I have had 100% success with very many of my TR percs in the bucket method. I put the anemone in a 5 gallon salt bucket with 4-ish" of water, add 2 small percs.. Within 5 minutes they host. Then I try to release all 3 into the tank at once. If you can't get your hand around all three, add the anemone to the tank first after being in the bucket playing host, then release the clowns near the anemone. They will remember that its where they felt safe a few minutes earlier and they dive right back in..
I only do this with new arrivals/departures. I wouldnt pull an anemone or the fish out of their tank, unless it was extremely easy to do so.
Also I would only do this with BTAs. I would never attempt this with an S.haddoni