hosting help


Ok, I bought a BTA a couple weeks ago and Ive also got some false Perculas, Is there a trick to getting them to host the clowns. Ive heard about the picture on the side of the tank, is that true? will the fish see that and learn from that. Ive also heard about feeding the BTA directly and the clowns will come over to it and get aquainted that way.
Thanks alot for the help and I would appreciate any tips.


Ocellaris and BTA do not naturally host it takes some work. It may or may not ever happen. I was successful in doing so, but the clowns were freaked out because I moved my tank. They have been hosting ever since then. Try to chase them around a little bit or make them a little bit uneasy. ONLY DO THIS IF THEY ARE WELL ESTABLISHED. Do not do this if they are new fish as it could stress them out more.