Hosting Question


Active Member
i have a pair of Percs ( i think they are aqucultured) that are about a year old or so. they did their lil dance thingy and the female is pretty bigger and darker in color than the male. i just bought a green carpet anemone and the little perc ( the male ) has been showing some interest to it. yesterday he was staring at it a lot and sometimes he would even go in it and rub his head on it for a couple of seconds. my question is - is this action of him just checking it out and is it going to turn into him hosting it or is there a chance that he stil wont host it. and, if he does host it, is the female going to host it with him or is it juust going to be the male.
thanks for your help.


Active Member
Typically if they have established male and female she would be the one to host first and then allow him to join her. But, anything is possible, as for the behavior of the perc it sounds like its starting to show interest in hosting. I had a B&W ocellaris that did that to my BTA but then it stopped and never went back. Its a tuff call good luck.


Active Member
aw bummer about your B&W...yeah mine hasnt shown much interest in it today.
thanks for your input.